It is hard too say how "Tattoo Monday" got started. For atleast a few months, close to weekly someone would get drunk, and decide that stick pokes were the best idea for the group that very minute. One thing is for certain the first official monday was on "Family Day" February 21, 2011. Since this first weekly meeting things have become much more organized, tools perfected, skills honed, legs covered in unsightly blobs of ink.We have decided we best share our short sighted debauchery with you.
I hope you enjoy this back catalog.
These are are all Doyle's leg, all stick poke, most done on Monday.
Chris McKay did this POW! stick poke.
Chris McKay again
Rachel done by Eileen
Rachel and Tyler
Vlad and Eileen
Richard and Doyle
Eileen making the art happen
Chris McKay also arts
Drunk Rob: he doesn't know it now but he is about make a big mistake
Vlad and Drunk Rob wanted retarded cat tattoos, we were more then happy to oblige
yep. Retarded cats.
Glad you drew them and not me.
Chris McKay's leg stick pokes
Rachel: acorn and carrot administered by Eileen
Chris McKay anchors Doyle
Cat loves her Mum
Eileen does Cat
Chris doing Doyle again
Eileen helps Chris Mckay keep his mouth shut
Chris McKay tattoos Tyler
Simpson reference tattoo
Sheit cake by Tyler and Chris Mckay on a regretful Eileen,
Tyler and Doyle
Everyone loves it when Edward comes out
Chris McKay and Doyle
The room where most of it goes down
Garbage alley.
Hair Cut Mondays!
Best haircut ever? I think so.
Piss Drunkx, sooo punkx
Don't be a fuck up by Tyler and Chris McKay; ice cream cones heart by Eileen, Dead Kennedy's by Tyler on himself
Eileen, Doyle
Finn is the antichrist
Doyle's soo funny
so is Tyler
So is Eileen but this is still Tyler, also this is from that first Family Day
Doyle And Eileen
Chris and Doyle
Doyle Does his old lady
Caitlin's Cakestache courtesy Eileen
Tyler's leg
Eileen on Tyler
Arguably the stupidest "Tattoo Monday" tattoo.